
Hey guys, I’m sorry I haven’t posted in a while, but this post is mainly an update–or maybe more like a venting session, I should say haha– about what’s going on in my personal life and relationship. So my fiance is overseas and it’s probably the hardest thing we’ve have to go through in our entire relationship. He was here in Texas for the Christmas break, and now having him gone so far, the time difference, the sucky internet connection, the little time we get to actually talk, being on my last semester of college, working two jobs, and planning our wedding without him here is ridiculously hard. I sometimes don’t know how I manage to get through some days, but I somehow manage. I sent him hist first overseas care-package like a month ago, and he has yet to receive it so…that’s something else that is frustrating. I am SO proud of it, and I will most definitely be posting it on the blog when he gets it! I know that it’s all going to be worth it when he gets back.

One of our engagement pictures :)

This is one of our engagement pictures 🙂